Maple Leaf Super Hop Up Bucking for AEG 80º„

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This bucking will fit bridged as well as bridgeless barrels, so be sure that your hop up chamber is designed for AEG buckings before ordering, as most GBB/VSR guns are designed for the thicker GBB/VSR buckings.

  • Optimal inner and outer Sealing
  • Accuracy and Range Improvement
  • Easy to install
  • Fits AEG Bridged Barrels
  • Fits GBB / VSR Unbridged Barrel

The degrees of the buckings

The degrees of the hop-up buckings mark their compatibility with guns of different muzzle energies or power levels. In general, you could say: the more powerful the gun, the higher the degree. The manufacturer recommends choosing the degree of your bucking as follows:

Degree and color? /? Recommended power range :
  • 50 : Less than 110 m/s (1.2 J)
  • 60 : 90-120 m/s (0.8-1.5 J)
  • 70 : 110-140 m/s (1.2-2 J)
  • 75 : 130-150 m/s (1.7-2.25 J)
  • 80 : over 150 m/s (2.25 J)